How To Change Your Kinetico Water Softener Prefilter

STEP 1: Put your water softener in by-pass

Locate the by-pass valve installed with your water softener. When in service, your Kinetico by-pass should show a green section at the opening of the dial. Turn the handle of the by-pass valve so the dial shows the yellow section in the opening. Your system is now in the by-pass position. Note: there are many by-pass valve styles. Yours may not be as described here.

STEP 2: Set Up To Depressurize System

The second step is to locate the 3/8” plastic tubing coming from the by-pass/pre-filter Superkit. If this tubing does not run to a drain, be sure to place a bucket or receptacle underneath it to catch any water. Note: Even if you have a Kinetico Superkit, you may not have the described tubing. If not, proceed to step 4.

STEP 3: Depressurize the water Softener and Pre-filter

Locate the 3/8" valves, located at the head of the pre-filter and near the water softener connector tubes that join the water softener to the pipes. Turn the valves to the open position to depressurize your system. Keep the valves in the open position. This should reduce water spillage and make it easier for you to turn the filter housing. Wait at least one minute before proceeding.

STEP 4: Remove the filter sump

After your system has depressurized for a minute or longer, remove your filter housing sump by turning it clockwise with two hands (when viewed from above). This may take some effort if you do not have the valves and tubing to depressurize your system and the housing is tightly sealed. Some dealers offer a sump removal wrench to make it easier. Take care as the housing sump will be full of water.

STEP 5: Remove the used filter cartridge 

After the housing is removed, turn the filter cartridge clockwise to remove it (when viewed from above). Once removed, discard the filter cartridge. If it is a reusable filter cartridge, thoroughly rinse the cartridge with clean running water until it looks clean, or soak it in a solution of water and Iron Out, or whatever your authorized, independent Kinetico dealer recommends. When dry, store the reusable cartridge for future use.

STEP 6: Inspect and clean your sump

After discarding the water in the sump housing, look inside and see if sediment or anything has collected at the bottom. Clean the sump, if needed. Before you insert a new or clean cartridge, check to see if your sump’s seal and O-ring are in good condition. If necessary, lubricate the O-ring at the top of the housing with a silicone lubricant. Do not use petroleum jelly or any other lubricant as it will void your warranty. Contact your dealer for an appropriate lubricant, if needed.

STEP 7: Install the new or clean the filter cartridge

To install the new filter cartridge, insert it into the top of the filter housing, and turn it counter-clockwise until it stops turning.

STEP 8: Install the filter sump

After inserting the filter cartridge, place the filter housing over the filter cartridge, lining up the threads and turning the housing counter-clockwise until it seals. Note: For proper alignment, be sure the arrow on the head of the filter sump aligns with the arrow on the filter housing.

STEP 9: Close the 3/8" Valves

Return to the two valves (at the softener connector pipes and the filter head) and turn them to the closed position.

STEP 10: Set your by-pass to "in-service"

Return to the by-pass valve and turn the handle until the green section shows on the dial. The system is now in the “service” position. Be sure to check your prefilter for a leak. If you notice water dripping from the housing, you may need to further tighten the filter housing, or something could be preventing the housing from sealing properly. Check that the filter cartridge is firmly in place and that the O-ring is not obstructing the seal.

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